Independent Study: IT security leaders lean on external support for most aspects of threat intelligence
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Quicker detection driving demand for external vendor threat intelligence solutions finds Kaspersky

According to a commissioned survey conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Kaspersky, IT security leaders seeking to boost internal threat intelligence programs would prefer to delegate five out of eight...

PC malware attacks directed at corporate users, 2018–2021.
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According to Kaspersky’s financial cyberthreats report 2021 attacks are increasingly corporate

In 2021, the financial threats landscape witnessed positive changes with the overall number of users affected by malware reduced significantly, including a 35% drop in PC malware. Still, financial organizations...

A comparative number of DDoS attacks: Q3 and Q4 2021 as well as Q4 2020. Data for Q4 2020 is taken as 100%.
News & Events

Volume of DDoS market is inversely proportional to cryptocurrency market explains Kaspersky

Compared to Q3 2021, the total number of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks in Q4 shows an increase of 52%. This is 4.5 times more than the same time last year. These and other findings were published...

Healthcare industry challenged by laggard technologies
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Healthcare industry challenged by laggard technologies

The pandemic accelerated adoption of technology trends, whether they existed in the past or not. Digital transformation was one such trend that saw a high uptake across industries. The healthcare industry was n...

Evgeniya Naumova, Executive VP Corporate Business at Kaspersky.
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Kaspersky leverages profitable operations to fuel product expansion finds IDC MarketScape

Kaspersky was recently named as a Major Player in the IDC MarketScape reports for Worldwide Modern Endpoint Security for Small and Midsize Businesses 2021 Vendor Assessment. Modern Endpoint Security products co...

Andrey Sidenko, Head of Kaspersky's Online Child Safety Department.
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48% of children in UAE used smartphones for remote learning finds Kaspersky

To provide all their children with the devices they needed for online classes, almost half the families  (41%) with two or more children had to buy or rent additional devices. It’s interesting to note tha...

Senior IT Security Experts are less likely to be fired after cybersecurity breaches in 2021
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Senior IT, IT security, C-level executives equally likely to be exposed to dismissals finds Kaspersky

There is a positive trend in how organizations respond to cybersecurity breaches from an HR perspective, according to a recent Kaspersky study. In 2021 across the META region, though the number slightly increas...