Reham’s role focuses on delivery of reliable and consistent high-quality digital orthodontic treatment for clients. And making sure we are always there to help, support and provide attention to their needs to guarantee that the journey is a pleasant and successful one
Diversity is an integral and essential part of creating a positive workplace. Awareness has definitely increased in the past few years about the importance of having an inclusive environment that provides equal opportunities and support for staff members irrespective of their genders, ethnicities, religious beliefs and so on.
A diverse workplace that recognises people from various backgrounds and values the differences they bring, brings about multiple advantages. It broadens and expands the skill sets within the workplace leading to an increase in productivity and innovation along with better adaptability, and decision making.
My definition of an ideal workplace is one that is centred around effective communication and collaboration to achieve a common and unified goal. It is one where all employees feel appreciated, respected and heard. And lastly it is a place that allows for innovation and creativity and encourages employees to think outside the box, creating a hub where ideas and talents flourish
Working at Eon dental is anything but monotonous. This is one of the things that I love and find most satisfying, it is waking up every day to a new challenge and a new opportunity, to be as creative and innovative as you can. It is simply an agile environment where you would constantly thrive and shine.
Being in an environment where we all strive for perfection comes with its own perks and does seem challenging sometimes. However, being surrounded with great teams and departments who work collaboratively and tirelessly to make sure we achieve great heights makes all the difference.
![Reham Kilano, Clinical Operations Manager, Eon Dental](