
UN labour chief: ‘Lockdown generation’ of young workers will need extra help after COVID-19

Those young people who still have a job have seen their working hours cut by 23 per cent, said the head of the International Labour Organization (ILO), Guy Ryder, who also urged Governments to conduct widesprea...


FIFA, WHO and European Commission launch #SafeHome campaign post spike in domestic violence from stay-at-home

FIFA, WHO, and the European Commission have joined forces, to launch the #SafeHome campaign to support women and children at risk of domestic violence. The campaign is a joint response from the three institutio...


WHO: COVID-19 has created acute market shortages of essential medical supplies

Unprecedented global demand for personal protective equipment (PPE), diagnostic tests and biomedical equipment required for the COVID-19 response has created acute market shortages of these essential supplies. ...


WHO addresses the controversial issue of using hydroxychloroquine on COVID-19 patients

WHO is currently assessing the use of hydroxychloroquine on COVID-19 patients within the Solidarity Trial. The hydroxychloroquine arm has been paused as a precaution while the safety data is being reviewed. Eve...


Flex your finances to sustain digital transformation amid Covid-19 challenges

As businesses everywhere struggled to get a true sense of Covid-19 during the first month of lockdown, data analytics company Global Data predicted that the impact of Covid-19 on the IT services sector will be ...


Post Covid-19, the future of cybersecurity is going to be cloudy

The world is social distancing as we try to halt the spread of the novel coronavirus, and it’s no longer a global experiment in working from home. It’s our new reality. We know that the normal world that we ret...


Policing the pandemic: how UN Police are maintaining law, order, and public health

The COVID-19 outbreak is posing unprecedented challenges to police and other law enforcement agencies worldwide, such as ensuring public safety, while taking care of police officer health and well-being. The ch...


At least 80 million children under one at risk as COVID-19 disrupts vaccination efforts

“As the world comes together to develop a safe and effective vaccine for COVID-19, we must not forget the dozens of lifesaving vaccines that already exist and must continue to reach children everywhere”, said T...


UN chief: Build back better and preserve biodiversity after COVID-19 pandemic

In a video message for the day, UN Secretary-General António Guterres focused on the symbiotic relationship between humans and all other life on Earth, stressing that preserving and sustainably managing biodive...


Asia-Pacific nations commit the whole region to ‘defeat’ COVID-19

In a resolution adopted on Thursday, the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) declared “profound solidarity” with the countries and people affected by the disease and resolved “to ...