Mike Chen, Synology Manager

Backup, your last line of defense against Ransomware

Synology’s all-in-one backup solution is the last line of defense in data protection. [EC] Please describe Synology’s role in protecting against ransomware. Synology is known as a leading global brand of networ...

Ranim Atour, Field Marketing Manager Middle East, Turkey, Africa, Pakistan, Infoblox

“I see myself more as a woman of influence and strength,” Ranim Atour at Infoblox

[EC] Why have you pursued marketing as a career? Marketing excited me because it allowed me to pursue my passion in connecting with people, owning campaigns and projects while collaborating with other sharehold...

Epson showcases sustainable solutions that promote social distancing

Epson showcases sustainable solutions that promote social distancing

The Middle East market is now looking for technology that helps remote workers and students stay connected, observes Jason McMillan from Epson Middle East. Key products and solutions being presented on the stan...

Alexander van ’t Riet, CEO, Mai Dubai

Blending digital transformation, sustainability, marketing

BT: How has Mai Dubai positioned itself to be different, in a me-too marketing and product space. What has been your contribution in this differentiation?  Answer: Amidst stiff market competition, Mai Dubai rec...

Jobs with multiple functions
Interview News & Events

Jobs with multiple functions

As organisations realise how much diversity functions as a major facilitator for innovation and fostering a positive culture, there has been increased awareness about the importance of it. Bringing in people fr...

Dalia Kamel, Regional Communications Manager META and Spain, Intel.
Interview News & Events

Working with multi-markets

At Intel, diversity and inclusion are among the most important forces driving the company’s evolution and reinvention. According to our recent Diversity, Equity and Inclusion survey conducted in UAE, 48% felt t...

Dr Arthur Morrish, Chief Executive Officer, ASPIRE

EXCLUSIVE MBZIRC Maritime Challenge is focused on search and identification in civilian arena, Dr Arthur Morrish, ASPIRE

[BT] What are the underlying technologies that are supporting GNSS denied, unmanned maritime automated vehicles? [Dr Arthur Morrish] In terms of autonomous technologies, the current available solutions still ha...

Barry Nagel, CTO, UP42

Exact location means better decision-making

He is a man in love with building products and businesses and thrilled by the thought of turning ideas into reality. A technology enthusiast and software developer by training, UP42 Chief Technology Officer Bar...

Amitabh Kant, CEO of NITI Aayog

NITI Aayog has led the digital transformation from the front

He is the poster boy of a small community of seasoned-cum-flamboyant bureaucrats playing a dominant role in India’s policymaking. A career civil servant with 40 years of experience, ideating, architecting, and ...


Kokila Alagh from Karm Legal Consultants points out fintech startup ecosystem in Dubai is thriving

Kokila Alagh, Founder, Karm Legal Consultants advises startups using digital technologies and blockchain on business models and possible legal obstacles in the future. She points out that Dubai is proactively b...