A Deloitte report on Australia’s Digital Pulse states that, Australia’s digital performance on the international stage across four themes: consumers, businesses, ICT sector and workforce skills. Overall, we find ourselves in the middle of the pack amongst 16 developed economies, with average relative ranking of 7 out of 16. trong growth in the ICT workforce is expected to continue, reaching 722,000 workers by 2022. This represents average annual growth of 2.0%, compared to 1.4% for the Australian workforce as a whole.
About the Country
About the Event
The role of a CIO is one of the most criticalone in today’s business and industry. Today, CIOs hold the future of innovation, productivity and competitiveness in their hands. At the GLOBAL CIO FORUM, we not only provide our members with an exchange forum for best IT leadership strategies and practices to enhance business results, but we are also developing a strong voice to ensure that CIOs are represented at key industry and government decision tables. In other words: Integrate. Influence. Impact.
The GLOBAL CIO FORUM represents IT Executives and CIOs globally. Currently working in META region and with expansion plans globally, the GLOBAL CIO FORUM is a non-profit community of CIOs and IT leaders whose mission is to facilitate networking, sharing of best practices and executive development, and to collaborate on issues faced by the CIOs/IT Executives.